“Life is not easy.
Let’s try to help each soul we meet. Each of us is doing our best with what we have been given. Let go of judgement. Love each other. You’ll never really know how much someone needed your love in that moment.”
- Joanne LaCarrubba Steenberg
Joanne Steenberg, founder of The Love Card
The Love Card Mission: To spread love to as many people on the planet as possible and to empower others to do the same. Since 2016 we have given away over 250,000 Love Cards. Anyone who wants free Love Cards can have them. It is our hope that this pay-it-forward movement grows and reminds people of the power of love.
Share with us your stories. Your stories inspire others. We are grateful for all the pay-it-forward energy that has gone into this movement. Without you these sweet cards would just sit in a drawer somewhere. Your courage and willingness to spread the love energy out into the world is beautiful. There is a wave of love far greater than we can imagine! We are making a difference!
Thanks to you, we are reaching the hearts of so many people. The wildest thing is that they have literally traveled the entire globe - Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and every US state - originating from a sweet small town, Penobscot, Maine, (and now Bucksport!). It would absolutely not be what it is today without the thousands of folks who are paying them forward and giving them away. It all began as a way to simply help spread love - a little gesture to send love to family, friends and loved ones. From there it has grown. People wanted Love Cards of their own to give out and so the numbers have increased as a result.
What we have learned in the past 6 years is that it's easy to send love to friends and family, but what about sending love to others? - in difficult situations? - or to strangers you don't know? - to those you have judged, or who anger you? - A family member you haven’t talked to in a while?
Can you imagine the ripple effect we will experience if we could all truly extend love to let’s say 3 people per day…without attachment, without looking for anything in return?
I believe the Love Card has a unique power and approach that allows all parties to feel safe and appreciated. It is not attached to any religion or political affiliation. It is just a simple act of extending love to another with compassion.. We can all play a role in this powerful movement and uplift others in profound ways! What I have noticed over the years is that even simply having them in my pocket can make a difference. If I am judging another and then reach into my pocket and touch a Love Card, I am instantly reminded to let go of the judgement and extend love.
Thank you for being a love giver and for caring about uplifting others. Where are your love cards? How are you using them? Tell us what you are doing with them. Are you wanting to use Love Cards for a particular project? Take a look at our Special Projects page to see some of the many ways Love Cards are being shared. We are here to support your efforts in any way we can. Love Cards are free if you need them to be. Just write to me and tell me how you want to use them and we will support you. And when folks purchase Love Cards and other merchandise or simply donate, it supports our effort to distribute Love Cards for free.
Thank you for spreading love with us!
Love, gratitude and radiant light,
Joanne Steenberg, Founder